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Multi-axis Absolute Position Sensor, MAPS, simultaneously measures one to a full six position dimensions, 6DoF, at one point in space with phenomenal accuracy using a single, tiny sensor-head. The patented system includes a patterned scale (the metrological reference or map) which is key to its sensitivity and practically unlimited resolution down to picometre, nanoradians levels. Drastically reducing Abbe and other errors, MAPS revolutionises mechatronics. And all this without cumbersome lasers. System combinations are available at value points covering diverse applications including metrology, machine tools, microscopy, nanotech, robotics, and more. This extraordinary technology is performance proven and traceable to world-renown metrology labs.



System Components


The scale provides the absolute metrological reference.

Sensor head

The sensors position relative to the scale is what is measured.


Images captured from the perspective of the sensor are processed to calculate the relative position.

Product Lines

Mistral sensors are mid-performance devices targeted at submicron XY stage, CNC, CMM, or similar calibration tasks.

Scirocco series use high resolution scales yielding sub-nanometre performance for nanotech industries and microscopy.

Zephyr the ultimate in precise metrology. Multi-MAPS sensor arrangements further enhance all 6DoF axes and in particular deliver uncompromising accuracy on all rotational axes simultaneously offering subatomic system resolution.